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5.5-V, 1.5-A, 90-mΩ load switch with adj. output discharge

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Product details

Number of channels 1 Vin (min) (V) 1.6 Vin (max) (V) 5.5 Imax (A) 1.5 Ron (typ) (mΩ) 90 Shutdown current (ISD) (typ) (µA) 0.002 Quiescent current (Iq) (typ) (µA) 8 Soft start Fixed Rise Time Current limit type Fixed Features Quick output discharge, Short circuit protection, Thermal shutdown Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 105 FET Internal Device type Load switches Function Inrush current control, Short circuit protection, Thermal shutdown
Number of channels 1 Vin (min) (V) 1.6 Vin (max) (V) 5.5 Imax (A) 1.5 Ron (typ) (mΩ) 90 Shutdown current (ISD) (typ) (µA) 0.002 Quiescent current (Iq) (typ) (µA) 8 Soft start Fixed Rise Time Current limit type Fixed Features Quick output discharge, Short circuit protection, Thermal shutdown Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 105 FET Internal Device type Load switches Function Inrush current control, Short circuit protection, Thermal shutdown
SOT-SC70 (DCK) 6 4.2 mm² 2 x 2.1
  • Input operating voltage range (VIN):
    1.6 V to 5.5 V
  • Maximum continuous current (IMAX): 1.5 A
  • On-Resistance (RON):
    • 5-V VIN: 89 mΩ (typical)
    • 3.6-V VIN: 90 mΩ (typical)
    • 1.8-V VIN: 105 mΩ (typical)
  • Output short protection (ISC): 3 A (typical)
  • Low power consumption:
    • ON state (IQ): 8 µA (typical)
    • OFF state (ISD): 2 nA (typical)
  • Smart ON pin pull down (RPD):
    • ON ≥ VIH (ION): 100 nA (maximum)
    • ON ≤ VIL (RPD): 530 kΩ (typical)
  • Slow Turn ON timing to limit inrush current (tON):
    • 5.0 V Turn ON time (tON):
      1.95 ms at 3.2 mV/µs
    • 3.6 V Turn ON time (tON):
      1.75 ms at 2.7 mV/µs
    • 1.8 V Turn ON time (tON):
      1.5 ms at 1.8 mV/µs
  • Adjustable output discharge and fall time:
    • Internal QOD resistance = 24 Ω (typical)
  • Input operating voltage range (VIN):
    1.6 V to 5.5 V
  • Maximum continuous current (IMAX): 1.5 A
  • On-Resistance (RON):
    • 5-V VIN: 89 mΩ (typical)
    • 3.6-V VIN: 90 mΩ (typical)
    • 1.8-V VIN: 105 mΩ (typical)
  • Output short protection (ISC): 3 A (typical)
  • Low power consumption:
    • ON state (IQ): 8 µA (typical)
    • OFF state (ISD): 2 nA (typical)
  • Smart ON pin pull down (RPD):
    • ON ≥ VIH (ION): 100 nA (maximum)
    • ON ≤ VIL (RPD): 530 kΩ (typical)
  • Slow Turn ON timing to limit inrush current (tON):
    • 5.0 V Turn ON time (tON):
      1.95 ms at 3.2 mV/µs
    • 3.6 V Turn ON time (tON):
      1.75 ms at 2.7 mV/µs
    • 1.8 V Turn ON time (tON):
      1.5 ms at 1.8 mV/µs
  • Adjustable output discharge and fall time:
    • Internal QOD resistance = 24 Ω (typical)

The TPS22919 device is a small, single channel load switch with controlled slew rate. The device contains an N-channel MOSFET that can operate over an input voltage range of 1.6 V to 5.5 V and can support a maximum continuous current of 1.5 A.

The switch ON state is controlled by a digital input that is capable of interfacing directly with low-voltage control signals. When power is first applied, a Smart Pull Down is used to keep the ON pin from floating until system sequencing is complete. Once the pin is deliberately driven High (>VIH), the Smart Pull Down will be disconnected to prevent unnecessary power loss.

The TPS22919 load switch is also self-protected, meaning that it will protect itself from short circuit events on the output of the device. It also has thermal shutdown to prevent any damage from overheating.

TPS22919 is available in a standard SC-70 package characterized for operation over a junction temperature range of –40°C to 125°C.

The TPS22919 device is a small, single channel load switch with controlled slew rate. The device contains an N-channel MOSFET that can operate over an input voltage range of 1.6 V to 5.5 V and can support a maximum continuous current of 1.5 A.

The switch ON state is controlled by a digital input that is capable of interfacing directly with low-voltage control signals. When power is first applied, a Smart Pull Down is used to keep the ON pin from floating until system sequencing is complete. Once the pin is deliberately driven High (>VIH), the Smart Pull Down will be disconnected to prevent unnecessary power loss.

The TPS22919 load switch is also self-protected, meaning that it will protect itself from short circuit events on the output of the device. It also has thermal shutdown to prevent any damage from overheating.

TPS22919 is available in a standard SC-70 package characterized for operation over a junction temperature range of –40°C to 125°C.

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Technical documentation

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Type Title Date
* Data sheet TPS22919 5.5 V, 1.5 A, 90-mΩ Self-Protected Load Switch with Controlled Rise Time datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 03 May 2019
Certificate TPS22919EVM EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 25 May 2023
Application note Designing a Low-Cost, High-Accuracy Infrared Thermometer 25 Nov 2020
E-book 11 Ways to Protect Your Power Path 03 Jul 2019
Application brief Making the Switch to an Integrated Load Switch 11 Jun 2019
Application note Integrated Load Switches Versus Discrete MOSFETs (Rev. A) 06 May 2019
Technical article What’s with chirping smoke detectors? PDF | HTML 06 Mar 2019
Application note Load Switch Thermal Considerations (Rev. A) 11 Oct 2018
Application note Basics of Load Switches (Rev. A) 05 Sep 2018
User guide TPS22919 Load Switch Evaluation Module 03 May 2018
Application note Selecting a Load Switch to Replace a Discrete Solution 30 Apr 2017
Application note Timing of Load Switches 27 Apr 2017
Technical article Don’t leave it floating! Power off your outputs with quick output discharge PDF | HTML 09 Dec 2016
Technical article When to use load switches in place of discrete MOSFETs PDF | HTML 03 Feb 2016
Application note Managing Inrush Current (Rev. A) 28 May 2015

Design & development

For additional terms or required resources, click any title below to view the detail page where available.

Evaluation board

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User guide: PDF
Not available on TI.com
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Simulation model

TPS22919 Unencrypted PSpice Transient Model Package (Rev. A)

SLVMCW8A.ZIP (51 KB) - PSpice Model
Simulation tool

PSPICE-FOR-TI — PSpice® for TI design and simulation tool

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Ordering & quality

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  • RoHS
  • Device marking
  • Lead finish/Ball material
  • MSL rating/Peak reflow
  • MTBF/FIT estimates
  • Material content
  • Qualification summary
  • Ongoing reliability monitoring
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  • Fab location
  • Assembly location

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