

Configurable multi-rail PMIC for 2S & 3S Li-ion battery-operated devices or non battery operated

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Product details

Regulated outputs (#) 13 Configurability Factory programmable, Software configurable Vin (min) (V) 5.6 Vin (max) (V) 21 Vout (min) (V) -0.3 Vout (max) (V) 3.575 Iout (max) (A) 21, 25 Features Comm control, Dynamic voltage scaling, Enable, Enable pin, I2C control, Overcurrent protection, Power good, Power sequencing, Synchronous rectification, Thermal shutdown, UVLO fixed Step-up DC/DC converter 0 Step-down DC/DC converter 3 Step-down DC/DC controller 3 Step-up DC/DC controller 0 LDO 4 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.3 Rating Catalog Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 3100 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Processor supplier Xilinx Processor name Artix-7, Zynq Ultrascale+ Shutdown current (ISD) (typ) (µA) 65 Switching frequency (typ) (kHz) 2500 Product type Processor and FPGA
Regulated outputs (#) 13 Configurability Factory programmable, Software configurable Vin (min) (V) 5.6 Vin (max) (V) 21 Vout (min) (V) -0.3 Vout (max) (V) 3.575 Iout (max) (A) 21, 25 Features Comm control, Dynamic voltage scaling, Enable, Enable pin, I2C control, Overcurrent protection, Power good, Power sequencing, Synchronous rectification, Thermal shutdown, UVLO fixed Step-up DC/DC converter 0 Step-down DC/DC converter 3 Step-down DC/DC controller 3 Step-up DC/DC controller 0 LDO 4 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.3 Rating Catalog Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 3100 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Processor supplier Xilinx Processor name Artix-7, Zynq Ultrascale+ Shutdown current (ISD) (typ) (µA) 65 Switching frequency (typ) (kHz) 2500 Product type Processor and FPGA
VQFN (RSK) 64 64 mm² 8 x 8
  • Wide VIN Range From 5.6V to 21 V
  • Three Variable-Output Voltage Synchronous
    Step-Down Controllers With DCAP2™ Topology
    • Scalable Output Current Using External FETs
      With Selectable Current Limit
    • I2C DVS Control From 0.41 V to 1.67 V in
      10-mV Steps or 1 V to 3.575 V in 25-mV Steps
  • Three Variable-Output Voltage Synchronous Step-Down
    Converters With DCS-Control Topology
    • VIN Range From 4.5 V to 5.5 V
    • Up to 3 A of Output Current
    • I2C DVS Control From 0.41 V to 1.67 V
      in 10-mV Steps or 0.425 V to 3.575 V in 25-mV
  • Three LDO Regulators With Adjustable Output Voltage
    • LDOA1: I2C-Selectable Output Voltage
      From 1.35 V to 3.3 V for up to 200 mA of Output
    • LDOA2 and LDOA3: I2C-Selectable Output
      Voltage From 0.7 V to 1.5 V for up to 600 mA of
      Output Current
  • VTT LDO for DDR Memory Termination
  • Three Load Switches With Slew Rate Control
    • Up to 300 mA of Output Current With Voltage
      Drop Less Than 1.5% of Nominal Input Voltage
    • RDSON < 96 mΩ at Input Voltage
      of 1.8 V
  • 5-V Fixed-Output Voltage LDO (LDO5)
    • Power Supply for Gate Drivers of SMPS and
      for LDOA1
    • Automatic Switch to External 5-V Buck for Higher
  • Built-in Flexibility and Configurability by Factory
    OTP Programming
    • Six GPI Pins Configurable to Enable (CTL1 to CTL6)
      or Sleep Mode Entry (CTL3 and CTL6) of Any Selected
    • Four GPO Pins Configurable to Power Good of Any
      Selected Rails
    • Open-Drain Interrupt Output Pin
  • I2C Interface Supports:
    • Standard Mode (100 kHz)
    • Fast Mode (400 kHz)
    • Fast Mode Plus (1 MHz)
  • Wide VIN Range From 5.6V to 21 V
  • Three Variable-Output Voltage Synchronous
    Step-Down Controllers With DCAP2™ Topology
    • Scalable Output Current Using External FETs
      With Selectable Current Limit
    • I2C DVS Control From 0.41 V to 1.67 V in
      10-mV Steps or 1 V to 3.575 V in 25-mV Steps
  • Three Variable-Output Voltage Synchronous Step-Down
    Converters With DCS-Control Topology
    • VIN Range From 4.5 V to 5.5 V
    • Up to 3 A of Output Current
    • I2C DVS Control From 0.41 V to 1.67 V
      in 10-mV Steps or 0.425 V to 3.575 V in 25-mV
  • Three LDO Regulators With Adjustable Output Voltage
    • LDOA1: I2C-Selectable Output Voltage
      From 1.35 V to 3.3 V for up to 200 mA of Output
    • LDOA2 and LDOA3: I2C-Selectable Output
      Voltage From 0.7 V to 1.5 V for up to 600 mA of
      Output Current
  • VTT LDO for DDR Memory Termination
  • Three Load Switches With Slew Rate Control
    • Up to 300 mA of Output Current With Voltage
      Drop Less Than 1.5% of Nominal Input Voltage
    • RDSON < 96 mΩ at Input Voltage
      of 1.8 V
  • 5-V Fixed-Output Voltage LDO (LDO5)
    • Power Supply for Gate Drivers of SMPS and
      for LDOA1
    • Automatic Switch to External 5-V Buck for Higher
  • Built-in Flexibility and Configurability by Factory
    OTP Programming
    • Six GPI Pins Configurable to Enable (CTL1 to CTL6)
      or Sleep Mode Entry (CTL3 and CTL6) of Any Selected
    • Four GPO Pins Configurable to Power Good of Any
      Selected Rails
    • Open-Drain Interrupt Output Pin
  • I2C Interface Supports:
    • Standard Mode (100 kHz)
    • Fast Mode (400 kHz)
    • Fast Mode Plus (1 MHz)

The TPS650860 device is a single-chip power-management IC designed for multicore processors, FPGAs, and other System-on-Chips (SoCs). The TPS650860 offers an input range of 5.6 V to 21 V, enabling a wide range of applications. The device is well suited for NVDC and non-NVDC power architecture using 2S, 3S, or 4S Li-Ion battery packs. See the Application Section for 5-V input supplies. The D-CAP2 and DCS-Control high-frequency voltage regulators use small inductors and capacitors to achieve a small solution size. The D-CAP2 and DCS-Control topologies have excellent transient response performance, which is great for processor core and system memory rails that have fast load switching. An I2C interface allows simple control either by an embedded controller (EC) or by an SoC. The PMIC comes in an 8-mm × 8-mm, single-row VQFN package with thermal pad for good thermal dissipation and ease of board routing.

The TPS650860 device is a single-chip power-management IC designed for multicore processors, FPGAs, and other System-on-Chips (SoCs). The TPS650860 offers an input range of 5.6 V to 21 V, enabling a wide range of applications. The device is well suited for NVDC and non-NVDC power architecture using 2S, 3S, or 4S Li-Ion battery packs. See the Application Section for 5-V input supplies. The D-CAP2 and DCS-Control high-frequency voltage regulators use small inductors and capacitors to achieve a small solution size. The D-CAP2 and DCS-Control topologies have excellent transient response performance, which is great for processor core and system memory rails that have fast load switching. An I2C interface allows simple control either by an embedded controller (EC) or by an SoC. The PMIC comes in an 8-mm × 8-mm, single-row VQFN package with thermal pad for good thermal dissipation and ease of board routing.

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Technical documentation

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View all 14
Type Title Date
* Data sheet TPS650860 Configurable Multirail PMU for Multicore Processors datasheet (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 10 Dec 2015
Application note Optimizing Resistor Dividers at a Comparator (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 30 Apr 2021
Application note How to Design Flexible Processor Power Systems Using PMICs (Rev. B) 27 Jan 2020
User guide TPS650860 PMIC User's Guide For I2C Configurable-Systems 18 Jan 2018
Application note Push-Button Circuit (Rev. B) 01 Nov 2017
White paper Simple power rail sequencing solutions for complex multi-rail systems 06 Jul 2016
Application note TPS65086x Schematic and Layout Checklist (Rev. A) 02 Dec 2015
User guide TPS65086x Design Guide 19 Nov 2015
Product overview TPS650860 PMIC Product Bulletin 28 Sep 2015
Application note Basic Calculation of a Buck Converter's Power Stage (Rev. B) 17 Aug 2015
White paper Power management integrated buck controllers for distant point-of-load apps 14 Aug 2015
Application note Advantages of the Highly-Programmable DC/DC Controllers in the TPS65086x PMIC 27 Mar 2015
Analog Design Journal Controlling switch-node ringing in synchronous buck converters 26 Apr 2012
Application note Ringing Reduction Techniques for NexFET High Performance MOSFETs 16 Nov 2011

Design & development

For additional terms or required resources, click any title below to view the detail page where available.

Evaluation board

TPS650860EVM-116 — TPS650860 Evaluation Module

Evaluation Module (EVM) for the TPS65086x family. The EVM provides a platform for engineers to evaluate, test, and explore the TPS650860 in a real world application use. All of the sequencing and functionality required for the processor and system is demonstrated on this board. This EVM also (...)

User guide: PDF
Not available on
Buy from a distributor
Driver or library

TPS65086SW-LINUX — Linux Driver for TPS65086

The Linux driver supports the TPS65086 Power Management IC. The Linux driver supports communication through the I2C bus and interfaces with the Regulator sub-system.


Linux Mainline Status

Available in Linux Main line: Yes
Available through N/A

Supported Devices:

  • tps65086


Linux Source Files


GUI for evaluation module (EVM)

IPG-UI IPG-UI EVM GUI (Windows Installer)

The IPG-UI GUI can be used to configure multiple PMIC devices to evaluate the features and performance of those devices.  This GUI is built using web-based technologies and supports interacting with the EVM hardware using a USB2ANY adapter board. The USB2ANY Explorer is provided to allow (...)

Supported products & hardware

Supported products & hardware

Multi-channel ICs (PMICs)
TPS65020 6-channel Power Management IC (PMIC) with 3DC/DCs, 3 LDOs, I2C interface and dynamic voltage scaling TPS65023 Power Management IC (PMIC) with 3DC/DCs, 3 LDOs, I2C Interface and DVS TPS65023B 6-channel Power Management IC (PMIC) with 3DC/DCs, 3 LDOs, I2C Interface and DVS TPS65055 2.25MHz Dual Step-down Converter with 4 Low Input Voltage LDOs TPS65084 Programmable mid input voltage range Power Management IC (PMIC) for Braswell processors TPS65086 Configurable multi-rail PMIC for 2S & 3S Li-ion battery-operated devices or non battery operated TPS650861 User programmable 3 converter, 3 controller, 4 LDO, & 3 load switch Power Management IC (PMIC) TPS65090 6-V to 7-V Power Management IC (PMIC) with switchmode charger, 3 DCDCs, 2 LDOs, and 7 load switches TPS65094 Programmable mid input voltage range Power Management IC (PMIC) for Apollo Lake processors TPS65217 Power Management IC (PMIC) w/ 3 DC/DCs, 4 LDOs, linear battery charger & white LED driver TPS652170 User programmable power management IC (PMIC) with 3 DC/DCs, 4 LDOs, battery charger and LED driver TPS65218 Power Management IC (PMIC) for ARM Cortex-A8/A9 SoCs and FPGA TPS6521815 User-programmable Power Management IC (PMIC) with 6 DC/DC converters, 1 LDO, and 3 load switches TPS65218D0 Integrated power management (PMIC) for ARM® Cortex™-A8/A9 SOCs and FPGAs TPS657095 Embedded Camera Module PMIC TPS65910 Integrated Power Management IC (PMIC) w/ 4 DC/DCs, 8 LDOs and RTC in 6x6mm QFN family TPS65911 Integrated Power Management IC (PMIC) with 4 DC/DCs, 9 LDOs and RTC TPS65912 Power Management IC (PMIC) with 4DC/DCs, 10 LDOs, 3 LED outputs & 32kHz RC oscillator TPS659128 PMU for processor power
Hardware development
Evaluation board
BOOSTXL-TPS650861 TPS650861 Customer Programming BoosterPack TPS65023BEVM-664 TPS65023B Evaluation Module TPS65023EVM-205 TPS65023 Evaluation Module TPS650860EVM-116 TPS650860 Evaluation Module TPS65218EVM-100 TPS65218 Evaluation Module
GUI for evaluation module (EVM)
GUI for evaluation module (EVM)


The IPG-UI GUI can be used to configure multiple PMIC devices to evaluate the features and performance of those devices.  This GUI is built using web-based technologies and supports interacting with the EVM hardware using a USB2ANY adapter board. The USB2ANY Explorer is provided to allow (...)

Supported products & hardware

Supported products & hardware

Multi-channel ICs (PMICs)
TPS65023B 6-channel Power Management IC (PMIC) with 3DC/DCs, 3 LDOs, I2C Interface and DVS TPS65084 Programmable mid input voltage range Power Management IC (PMIC) for Braswell processors TPS65086 Configurable multi-rail PMIC for 2S & 3S Li-ion battery-operated devices or non battery operated TPS650861 User programmable 3 converter, 3 controller, 4 LDO, & 3 load switch Power Management IC (PMIC) TPS65094 Programmable mid input voltage range Power Management IC (PMIC) for Apollo Lake processors TPS652170 User programmable power management IC (PMIC) with 3 DC/DCs, 4 LDOs, battery charger and LED driver TPS6521815 User-programmable Power Management IC (PMIC) with 6 DC/DC converters, 1 LDO, and 3 load switches TPS65218D0 Integrated power management (PMIC) for ARM® Cortex™-A8/A9 SOCs and FPGAs TPS657095 Embedded Camera Module PMIC TPS659128 PMU for processor power
Hardware development
Evaluation board
TPS65023BEVM-664 TPS65023B Evaluation Module TPS65023EVM-205 TPS65023 Evaluation Module TPS650860EVM-116 TPS650860 Evaluation Module TPS65218EVM-100 TPS65218 Evaluation Module
GUI for evaluation module (EVM)
GUI for evaluation module (EVM)


The IPG-UI GUI can be used to configure multiple PMIC devices to evaluate the features and performance of those devices.  This GUI is built using web-based technologies and supports interacting with the EVM hardware using a USB2ANY adapter board. The USB2ANY Explorer is provided to allow (...)

Supported products & hardware

Supported products & hardware

Multi-channel ICs (PMICs)
TPS65023B 6-channel Power Management IC (PMIC) with 3DC/DCs, 3 LDOs, I2C Interface and DVS TPS65084 Programmable mid input voltage range Power Management IC (PMIC) for Braswell processors TPS65086 Configurable multi-rail PMIC for 2S & 3S Li-ion battery-operated devices or non battery operated TPS650861 User programmable 3 converter, 3 controller, 4 LDO, & 3 load switch Power Management IC (PMIC) TPS65094 Programmable mid input voltage range Power Management IC (PMIC) for Apollo Lake processors TPS652170 User programmable power management IC (PMIC) with 3 DC/DCs, 4 LDOs, battery charger and LED driver TPS6521815 User-programmable Power Management IC (PMIC) with 6 DC/DC converters, 1 LDO, and 3 load switches TPS65218D0 Integrated power management (PMIC) for ARM® Cortex™-A8/A9 SOCs and FPGAs TPS657095 Embedded Camera Module PMIC TPS659128 PMU for processor power
Hardware development
Evaluation board
TPS65023BEVM-664 TPS65023B Evaluation Module TPS65023EVM-205 TPS65023 Evaluation Module TPS650860EVM-116 TPS650860 Evaluation Module TPS65218EVM-100 TPS65218 Evaluation Module
GUI for evaluation module (EVM)
Support software

SWCC016 TPS650860 Device Installers v1.0

Supported products & hardware

Supported products & hardware

Multi-channel ICs (PMICs)
TPS65086 Configurable multi-rail PMIC for 2S & 3S Li-ion battery-operated devices or non battery operated
Simulation model

Flotherm Model for TPS65086x products

SWCM008.ZIP (0 KB) - Thermal Model
Simulation model

TPS650860 RSK 64 BXL Schematic Symbols

SWCM007.ZIP (26 KB) - IBIS Model
Simulation model

TPS650860 RSK IBIS Model

SWCM006.ZIP (37 KB) - IBIS Model
Reference designs

PMP12004-HE — Reference Design for Powering a Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ Remote Radio Head (RRH) or Backhaul (BH)

This design for powering Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ ( Remote Radio Heads (RRH) features the TPS6508640 and is a small and highly efficient solution. The PMIC reduces size, cost, and power loss by having integrated rails into 1 device, high switching frequency and separate rails (...)
Test report: PDF
Schematic: PDF
Package Pins CAD symbols, footprints & 3D models
VQFN (RSK) 64 Ultra Librarian

Ordering & quality

Information included:
  • RoHS
  • Device marking
  • Lead finish/Ball material
  • MSL rating/Peak reflow
  • MTBF/FIT estimates
  • Material content
  • Qualification summary
  • Ongoing reliability monitoring
Information included:
  • Fab location
  • Assembly location

Recommended products may have parameters, evaluation modules or reference designs related to this TI product.

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