LP-AM243 是一款原型评估模块,限量出售。
LP-AM243 EVM 现在具有高安全性 - 现场安全 (HS-FS) 器件。有关如何在 Code Composer Studio 中识别和使用 HS-FS 器件的更多信息,请参阅 AM243x MCU+ SDK 的“HS FS 迁移指南”部分和 LP-AM243 EVM 用户指南的安全章节。
LP-AM243 是一款适用于 AM243x 系列 Sitara™ 高性能微控制器的开发板。该板提供易于使用的标准化平台来开发下一个应用,非常适用于初始评估和原型设计。LP-AM243 配备了外形尺寸较小的 Sitara AM2434 ALX 微控制器单元 (MCU) 以及其他元件,使用户可以利用各种器件接口,包括工业以太网、标准以太网、快速串行接口 (FSI) 等,从而轻松创建原型。
AM2434 支持各种工业以太网协议,如 EtherCAT、EtherNet/IP 和 PROFINET。此 LaunchPad™ 配备了外形较小的 AM243 ALX 封装,因此提供了比 TMDS243EVM 更小的外设集。
该扩展版本 LaunchPad™ 开发套件可提供额外 IO 引脚用于开发,并支持连接两个 BoosterPack™ 插件模块。该 LP-AM243 还提供开箱即用指南以帮助工程师快速开始评估。
LP-AM243 是一款原型评估模块,限量出售。
LP-AM243 EVM 现在具有高安全性 - 现场安全 (HS-FS) 器件。有关如何在 Code Composer Studio 中识别和使用 HS-FS 器件的更多信息,请参阅 AM243x MCU+ SDK 的“HS FS 迁移指南”部分和 LP-AM243 EVM 用户指南的安全章节。
MCU PLUS SDK Windows Installer
MCU PLUS SDK Linux Installer
MCU PLUS SDK online documentation
Performance measurement datasheet
Documentation only package
Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment (IDE)
TI ARM CLANG compiler
Tool to configure SOC pimux and MCU PLUS SDK driver parameters
Buildsheet of supported features
Thank you for your interest in the AM243x MCU PLUS Software Development Kit (SDK). This software accelerates application development schedules by eliminating the need to create basic system software functions from scratch.
AM24x academy features easy-to-use training modules ranging from the basics of getting started to advanced development topics.
CC33XX RTOS MCU Windows Installer
CC33XX RTOS MCU Linux Installer
CC33XX RTOS MCU R5 Release Notes
CC33XX RTOS MCU R5 Manifest
This PREVIEW CC33XX RTOS MCU Software Package delivers components that enable engineers to develop applications on the Texas Instruments CC33XX Wi-Fi devices and Sitara family of microcontrollers (MCU).
This software toolkit provides the drivers for CC33XX devices to be used with a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) on a microcontroller.
This is version R5 of the CC33xx MCU Software Package.
SimpleLink Wi-Fi Toolbox Windows Installer
SimpleLink Wi-Fi Toolbox MacOS Installer
SimpleLink Wi-Fi Toolbox Linux Installer
SimpleLink Wi-Fi Toolbox Release Notes
SimpleLink Wi-Fi Toolbox Manifest
SimpleLink Wi-Fi Toolbox is a cross-platform software kit, that provides all required tools for fast and easy ramp-up of the CC33xx family of devices. One of the included tools is Radio Tool.
Radio Tool is a tool for RF evaluation and testing of CC33xx designs, during development and certification. The tool enables low-level radio testing capabilities by manually setting the radio into transmit or receive modes. Usage of the tool requires familiarity and knowledge of radio circuit theory and radio test methods.
The Code Composer Studio™ IDE is a complete integrated suite that enables developers to create and debug applications of all Texas Instruments Embedded Processors (Sitara, DSP, Automotive, Keystone), Microcontrollers (SimpleLink™, C2000 Digital Control, MSP430, TM4C, Hercules), as well as Digital Power (UCD) and Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) devices.