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具有 PMBus 的 -10V 至 -80V 热插拔控制器


FET External Vin (min) (V) -80 Vin (max) (V) -10 Vabsmax_cont (V) 100 Current limit (min) (A) 0.01 Current limit (max) (A) 500 Overcurrent response Circuit breaker, current limiting Fault response Auto-retry, Latch-off Soft start Adjustable Overvoltage response Cut-off Features Current monitoring, Fault output, PMBus, Power good signal Rating Catalog Device type eFuses and hot swap controllers Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Function Adjustable current limit, Current monitoring, Inrush current control, Overvoltage protection, Power good signal, Short circuit protection, Thermal shutdown Quiescent current (Iq) (typ) (A) 0.006 Quiescent current (Iq) (max) (A) 0.008
FET External Vin (min) (V) -80 Vin (max) (V) -10 Vabsmax_cont (V) 100 Current limit (min) (A) 0.01 Current limit (max) (A) 500 Overcurrent response Circuit breaker, current limiting Fault response Auto-retry, Latch-off Soft start Adjustable Overvoltage response Cut-off Features Current monitoring, Fault output, PMBus, Power good signal Rating Catalog Device type eFuses and hot swap controllers Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Function Adjustable current limit, Current monitoring, Inrush current control, Overvoltage protection, Power good signal, Short circuit protection, Thermal shutdown Quiescent current (Iq) (typ) (A) 0.006 Quiescent current (Iq) (max) (A) 0.008
HTSSOP (PWP) 28 62.08 mm² 9.7 x 6.4
  • Input Voltage Range: -10V to -80V
  • Programmable 26 mV or 50 mV Current Limit Threshold with Power Limiting (MOSFET Power Dissipation Limiting)
  • Real Time Monitoring of VIN, VOUT, IIN, PIN, VAUX with 12-Bit Resolution and 1 kHz Sampling Rate
  • Configurable Circuit Breaker Protection for Hard Shorts
  • Configurable Under-Voltage and Over-Voltage Protection
  • Remote Temperature Sensing with Programmable Warning and Shutdown Thresholds
  • Detection and Notification of Damaged MOSFET Condition
  • Power Measurement Accuracy: ±4.5% Over Temperature
  • True Input Power Averages Dynamic Power Readings
  • Averaging of VIN, IIN, PIN, and VOUT Over Programmable Interval Ranging from 0.001 to 4 Seconds
  • Programmable WARN and FAULT Thresholds with SMBA Notification
  • Black Box Capture of Telemetry Measurements and Device Status Triggered by WARN or FAULT Condition
  • I2C/SMBus Interface and PMBus Compliant Command Structure
  • Full Featured Application Development Software
  • HTSSOP-28 Package
  • Input Voltage Range: -10V to -80V
  • Programmable 26 mV or 50 mV Current Limit Threshold with Power Limiting (MOSFET Power Dissipation Limiting)
  • Real Time Monitoring of VIN, VOUT, IIN, PIN, VAUX with 12-Bit Resolution and 1 kHz Sampling Rate
  • Configurable Circuit Breaker Protection for Hard Shorts
  • Configurable Under-Voltage and Over-Voltage Protection
  • Remote Temperature Sensing with Programmable Warning and Shutdown Thresholds
  • Detection and Notification of Damaged MOSFET Condition
  • Power Measurement Accuracy: ±4.5% Over Temperature
  • True Input Power Averages Dynamic Power Readings
  • Averaging of VIN, IIN, PIN, and VOUT Over Programmable Interval Ranging from 0.001 to 4 Seconds
  • Programmable WARN and FAULT Thresholds with SMBA Notification
  • Black Box Capture of Telemetry Measurements and Device Status Triggered by WARN or FAULT Condition
  • I2C/SMBus Interface and PMBus Compliant Command Structure
  • Full Featured Application Development Software
  • HTSSOP-28 Package

The LM5064 combines a high performance hot swap controller with a PMBusTM compliant SMBus/I2C interface to accurately measure, protect and control the electrical operating conditions of systems connected to a backplane power bus. The LM5064 continuously supplies real-time power, voltage, current, temperature and fault data to the system management host via the SMBus interface.

The LM5064 control block includes a unique hot swap architecture that provides current and power limiting to protect sensitive circuitry during insertion of boards into a live system backplane, or any other "hot" power source. A fast acting circuit breaker prevents damage in the event of a short circuit on the output. The input under-voltage and over-voltage levels and hysteresis are configurable, as well as the insertion delay time and fault detection time. A temperature monitoring block on the LM5064 interfaces with a low-cost external diode for monitoring the temperature of the external MOSFET or other thermally sensitive components. The PGD output provides a fast indicator when the input and/or output voltages are outside their programmed ranges.

The LM5064 monitoring circuit computes both the real-time and average values of subsystem operating parameters (VIN, IIN, PIN, VOUT) as well as the peak power. Accurate power averaging is accomplished by averaging the product of the input voltage and current. A black box (Telemetry/Fault Snapshot) function captures and stores telemetry data and device status in the event of a warning or a fault.

The LM5064 combines a high performance hot swap controller with a PMBusTM compliant SMBus/I2C interface to accurately measure, protect and control the electrical operating conditions of systems connected to a backplane power bus. The LM5064 continuously supplies real-time power, voltage, current, temperature and fault data to the system management host via the SMBus interface.

The LM5064 control block includes a unique hot swap architecture that provides current and power limiting to protect sensitive circuitry during insertion of boards into a live system backplane, or any other "hot" power source. A fast acting circuit breaker prevents damage in the event of a short circuit on the output. The input under-voltage and over-voltage levels and hysteresis are configurable, as well as the insertion delay time and fault detection time. A temperature monitoring block on the LM5064 interfaces with a low-cost external diode for monitoring the temperature of the external MOSFET or other thermally sensitive components. The PGD output provides a fast indicator when the input and/or output voltages are outside their programmed ranges.

The LM5064 monitoring circuit computes both the real-time and average values of subsystem operating parameters (VIN, IIN, PIN, VOUT) as well as the peak power. Accurate power averaging is accomplished by averaging the product of the input voltage and current. A black box (Telemetry/Fault Snapshot) function captures and stores telemetry data and device status in the event of a warning or a fault.

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* 数据表 LM5064 Negative Voltage System Pwr Mgmt & Protection IC with PMBus 数据表 (Rev. E) 2013年 2月 20日
用户指南 AN-2143 LM5064 Evaluation Kit (Rev. B) 2020年 1月 6日
应用手册 Basics of Power Switches (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2019年 4月 26日
选择指南 电源管理指南 2018 (Rev. K) 2018年 7月 31日
选择指南 电源管理指南 2018 (Rev. R) 2018年 6月 25日
技术文章 Simplify digital hot swap design using the PI-Commander GUI PDF | HTML 2016年 6月 6日
选择指南 Hot Swap Selection Tool 2015年 7月 28日
模拟设计期刊 PMBus™ 设计支持工具 2015年 6月 16日
应用手册 Robust Hot Swap Design (Rev. A) 2015年 4月 8日




LM5064EVK — 用于 LM5064 的评估板

The LM5064EVK evaluation module provides the power design engineer with a fully functional intelligent monitoring and protection controller board designed for negative voltage systems. This application note describes the various functions of the board, how to test and evaluate it, and how to use (...)

用户指南: PDF
TI.com 上无现货
评估模块 (EVM) 用 GUI

PMBUSMGRGUI-SW LM25066, LM5066, LM5064, LM25056 PMBus Manager GUI

Companion GUI for evaluation boards supporting: LM25066, LM5066, LM5064 Hot Swap + telemetry devices and the LM25056 telemetry-only device



LM25066 具有 PMBus 的 2.9V 至 17V 热插拔控制器 LM25066I 具有 I2C 和 PMBus 的 2.9V 至 17V 热插拔控制器,带有 Intel 节点管理器 LM5064 具有 PMBus 的 -10V 至 -80V 热插拔控制器 LM5066 具有电流、电压和功率监控功能及 PMBus 的 10V 至 80V 热插拔控制器
LM25056 3 至 17V、12 位 PMBus 输出电流/电压/功率/温度监控器
LM5066EVK LM5066 评估板
评估模块 (EVM) 用 GUI

SLVC572 PI-Commander EVM GUI



LM25066 具有 PMBus 的 2.9V 至 17V 热插拔控制器 LM25066A 具有 I2C 和 PMBus 及更高监控精度的 2.9V 至 17V 热插拔控制器 LM25066I 具有 I2C 和 PMBus 的 2.9V 至 17V 热插拔控制器,带有 Intel 节点管理器 LM25066IA 具有 I2C 和 PMBus 及更高监控精度的 2.9V 至 17V 热插拔控制器,带有 Intel 节点 LM5064 具有 PMBus 的 -10V 至 -80V 热插拔控制器 LM5066 具有电流、电压和功率监控功能及 PMBus 的 10V 至 80V 热插拔控制器 LM5066I 具有更高电流、电压和功率监控精度的 10V 至 80V 热插拔控制器
TPS23861 具有自主模式的 2 线对、2 类、4 通道 PoE PSE
LM5056EVM LM5056 高电压系统电源管理 IC 评估模块 TPS23861EVM-612 TPS23861EVM:TPS23861 四路 IEEE 802.3at 以太网供电 PSE 控制器评估模块

LM5064 TINA-TI Reference Design

SNVM462.TSC (348 KB) - TINA-TI Reference Design

LM5064 TINA-TI Transient Spice Model

SNVM461.ZIP (46 KB) - TINA-TI Spice Model

LM5064 Unencrypted PSpice Transient Model Package (Rev. B)

SNVM435B.ZIP (77 KB) - PSpice Model

SLVC556 LM5064 Design Calculator



LM5064 具有 PMBus 的 -10V 至 -80V 热插拔控制器

TVS-RECOMMENDATION-CALC TVS diode recommendation tool

This tool suggests suitable TVS for given system parameters and abs max voltage rating of the device.





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在 PSpice for TI 设计和仿真工具中,您可以搜索 TI (...)
封装 引脚 CAD 符号、封装和 3D 模型
HTSSOP (PWP) 28 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 器件标识
  • 引脚镀层/焊球材料
  • MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度
  • MTBF/时基故障估算
  • 材料成分
  • 鉴定摘要
  • 持续可靠性监测
  • 制造厂地点
  • 封装厂地点

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