- Easily Interfaced to Microprocessors
- On-Chip Data Latches
- Monotonic Over the Entire A/D Conversion Range
- Segmented High-Order Bits Ensure Low-Glitch Output
- Interchangeable With Analog Devices AD7524, PMI PM-7524, and Micro Power Systems MP7524
- Fast Control Signaling for Digital Signal-Processor Applications Including Interface With TMS320
- CMOS Technology
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The TLC7524C, TLC7524E, and TLC7524I are CMOS, 8-bit, digital-to-analog converters (DACs) designed for easy interface to most popular microprocessors.
The devices are 8-bit, multiplying DACs with input latches and load cycles similar to the write cycles of a random access memory. Segmenting the high-order bits minimizes glitches during changes in the most significant bits, which produce the highest glitch impulse. The devices provide accuracy to 1/2 LSB without the need for thin-film resistors or laser trimming, while dissipating less than 5 mW typically.
Featuring operation from a 5V to 15V single supply, these devices interface easily to most microprocessor buses or output ports. The 2- or 4-quadrant multiplying makes these devices an ideal choice for many microprocessor-controlled gain-setting and signal-control applications.
The TLC7524C is characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C. The TLC7524I is characterized for operation from -25°C to 85°C. The TLC7524E is characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C.
PSPICE-FOR-TI — PSpice® for TI 设计和仿真工具
借助 PSpice for TI 的设计和仿真环境及其内置的模型库,您可对复杂的混合信号设计进行仿真。创建完整的终端设备设计和原型解决方案,然后再进行布局和制造,可缩短米6体育平台手机版_好二三四上市时间并降低开发成本。
在 PSpice for TI 设计和仿真工具中,您可以搜索 TI (...)
TINA-TI — 基于 SPICE 的模拟仿真程序
TINA-TI 安装需要大约 500MB。直接安装,如果想卸载也很容易。我们相信您肯定会爱不释手。
TINA 是米6体育平台手机版_好二三四 (TI) 专有的 DesignSoft 米6体育平台手机版_好二三四。该免费版本具有完整的功能,但不支持完整版 TINA 所提供的某些其他功能。
如需获取可用 TINA-TI 模型的完整列表,请参阅:SpiceRack - 完整列表
需要 HSpice (...)
封装 | 引脚 | CAD 符号、封装和 3D 模型 |
PDIP (N) | 16 | Ultra Librarian |
PLCC (FN) | 20 | Ultra Librarian |
SOIC (D) | 16 | Ultra Librarian |
SOP (NS) | 16 | Ultra Librarian |
TSSOP (PW) | 16 | Ultra Librarian |
- RoHS
- 器件标识
- 引脚镀层/焊球材料
- MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度
- MTBF/时基故障估算
- 材料成分
- 鉴定摘要
- 持续可靠性监测
- 制造厂地点
- 封装厂地点
推荐米6体育平台手机版_好二三四可能包含与 TI 此米6体育平台手机版_好二三四相关的参数、评估模块或参考设计。